Welcome to The Nexus Roleplay Forums.
I hope you enjoy your stay here and help create a home for roleplay of all levels of skill.
Eventually we will reveal The Nexus, a hub to a variety of different persistent Rp worlds.
Please register and help the community grow.
We don't bite... Much.
The is just a temp description of The Nexus, so I can lay out the idea. To put it briefly The Nexus would be a cross between an interdimensional airport and an rpg Your characters while in the nexus are human tourists in a way...
Whenever you enter a world the first time you will create a costume as it were based on parameters set by that world, almost like a character select on a game. That identity will become part of your nexus cs, and when you leave that world you revert back to your nexus self... And that world's identity is stored incase you revisit.
The inhabitants of the world you visit will not know that you don't belong there, and unless you travel as a group you will not recognise other visitors for what they are right away.
The only way to identify another visitor, unless they are dumb enough to announce that they are alien to that world, is by a pendant device given to all travellers. The pendant is used as an ID to verify that an individual is allowed access to The Nexus portal. The pendant is part of the system that creates your costume, and so it is masked to prevent it from being noticed by world inhabitants.
Conversations between travellers about anything not of that world would confuse or possibly even make world inhabitants suspicious of the traveller in question. It is suggested that any such talk between travellers be done is hushed tones away from eavesdroppers.
Like I said this is only a temporary description, I will write up a more in depth version soon. I hope this piques your interest.
"Nothing is more important than my egomania!”
“You actually said that."